Thoughts on the Power of Words

Words hold incredible power and value. Few things will have a more lasting impact on our children than teaching them the power of their words. It alone will shape and impact every relationship they will have throughout their lives.

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It is also the perfect opportunity to teach our children about self-compassion and forgiveness because even when we are mindful about the words we choose, we will consistently choose the wrong ones. This is a part of being human. Parenting brings this hard reality to light in my own life on the daily.

I’ve created a unit that is a collection of different ideas I’ve used with my kids over the last several years. It emphasizes three main areas: the power of words, asking good questions and the impact of compliments/put-downs. It is geared for kids ages five-eight.

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You can download and try out part of the unit here for free to see if it’s a good fit for the kids in your life. The full unit can be found here. I truly hope it helps you and the children in your life to THRIVE!

My favorite book about teaching children the power of the words is, “The Invisible Boy.” It helps kids to have a context and example of how powerful it is to feel included, greeted and acknowledged. I often use the language of “special” and “invisible” with my children. For example, asking people questions about themselves makes them feel special. Ignoring someone who is talking to you may make them feel invisible.

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May we be mindful of the words we choose with ourselves and with the people around us. May we be quick to forgive ourselves and others when wrong words are chosen and may we believe the best about one another.

Katie CoyleComment